Saturday, December 26, 2009

34th Set, December 2009

So Long 2009. Let's bring in the new year and TCB.

Get ready for "FIRST OF THE MONTH" - my new album, which will be unveiled as the year goes by. A new single on the first of every single month for the duration of 2010. So at the end of the year, a 12-track super album will be complete. But you can keep up with me and get the tracks as I go, along with me. Just check iTunes and AmazonMP3 on the first of every month for a new track.

On January 1st, 2010 - I will be releasing "ALL MY LIFE" - the first song and video. Oh yes, there will be a new video. Check teh YouTubez. First video since "THAT MAN" -- so it's been a while. I got something special in store for you.

Til next time,

1 comment:

Brittany said...

It's been awhile but this is a good one! Love a lot of these. It's always interesting to see things from your perspective.