hey, what's goin on. here's my 2nd set of photos on my lofi camera phone. all of these were taken in the latter part of november, 2006. if you made it onto this site that obviously means you're extremely cool. if not, there's always next month. ill be posting some december stuff when i feel that its time. enjoy!
Hey man, my name is jarett. I'm from Sacramento, and I really like the photography. It's amazing. Prooves that its not the equipment but the photographer that makes the picture.
this page exists for fans of my music to take a look at places i go and people i see. it's also to up-stage all these "photographers" that think they are hot shit because they have nice cameras and fancy equipment. i can do more with the built-in camera on my phone than most of these people can do with their $5,000 cameras. most people also don't know anything about composition, which as a filmmaker, saddens me. anyway. i have a strong fascination with lofi lo-res pictures taken with shitty digital cameras, when it's done right (i.e. the way i do it). there is something about the grain and noise patterns in my 1.3 megapixel camera that remind me of 8mm film, there is room to get lost in the moment. when i take these photos and put them on here, i feel like i am in a separate world - and i hope you can join me here in this odd, odd place.
who are all these hipster sluts?
These seem a lot more self-conscious than the first round. So effing sick of the word slut, sometimes y'all make me want to kill myself.
What a pretentious ass you are
I love it
i hate all of them. xcept Paris and Nicole.
i;'d donate a dollar
The brick wall with the staircase is great.. It's a PEACE sign if u look closely.
Hey man, my name is jarett. I'm from Sacramento, and I really like the photography. It's amazing. Prooves that its not the equipment but the photographer that makes the picture.
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